

VekStudio is a advertising agency based in Naples, that has specialized in photography, graphic design, packaging, brochures & flyers, corporate identity, space design, web design and web developer, social media and events planning.

To speak through images is the working mantra that leads each and every project developed by Vekstudio perceptive and meticulous members. Photography is then the agency core business and advertising focus, a modern art that Helmut Newton summed up in the following three basic concepts: the craving to discover, the determination to move, and the choice to capture.

Keeping in mind these principles as well, the VekStudio team helps its clients to enhance and build up their own identity brand through a creative process that focuses not only on the project full accomplishment, but also – and mainly – on the clients’ satisfaction.

Le Gemme Del Vesuvio 
Pasta Artigianale di Qualità Superiore

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